KOKRAJHAR, DEC 23: The imminent educational reformist, and engineer turned prominent intellectual thinker of the country, Sonam Wangchuk was conferred the 20th edition Upendra Nath Brahma Soldier of Humanity Award 2023 at a glittering programme held at Bodofa Cultural Complex, Chandamari in Kokrajhar on Saturday amidst a huge gathering.
The Upendra Nath Brahma Trust (UNBT) announced the conferment of Upendra Nath Brahma Soldier of Humanity Award to Sonam Wangchuk, which is regarded as a prestigious award presenting from the Bodo community in the name of Bodofa Upendra Nath Brahma, former president of All Bodo Students Union ( ABSU) to keep alive ideology and philosophy of the great personality.
Notably, Wangchuk is a well-known engineer turned educational reformist, on recognition his dedication services towards the welfare and uplift of the educational arena amongst the citizens, the award was conferred him.
Sonam Wangchuk, whose remarkable life story inspired the blockbuster ‘3 Idiots’, was born on 1st September, 1966 near Alchi in the Leh district of Ladakh, India. He completed his B.Tech. in Mechanical Engineering from National Institute of Technology, Srinagar (then REC Srinagar) in 1987.
The Ladakh-based engineer is known for setting up his innovative school, the Students’ Educational and Cultural Movement of Ladakh (SECMOL), whose campus runs on solar energy and uses no fossil fuels for cooking, lighting, or heating. He so far received many prestigious awards and recognitions for his noble deeds. Some of the noted awards are- Governor’s Medal for Educational reform in Jammu & Kashmir in 1996, Green Teacher Award by Sanctuary Asia in 2004, Global Award for Sustainable Architecture in 2017 and others.
The chief executive member of Bodoland Territorial Region (BTR), Pramod Boro, Assam cabinet minister Urkhao Gwra Brahma, Executive Editor of The Assam Tribune.& Chairman of Media Trust, Assam, Prasanta Jyoti Baruah, President of Bodo Sahitya Sabha,Dr Surath Narzary,ABSU president Dipen Boro were graced the occasion as inaugurator, special guest, chief guest and Invited guests respectively and handed over the award to Wangchuk.
The award consists of memento, cash award of Rs. 2 lakh, a citation, indigenous waist coat and an
Aronai. Accepting the award, Wangchuk said that he was very impressed with the award conferred upon him from the Bodo community in the name of Bodofa Upendra Nath Brahma Soldier of Humanity Award. He said that the award presented on him has been made more encouraging him to work for social uplift and development amongst the citizens of the country. He said that the indigenous peoples like Bodo and others must be developed their own language, culture to keep ushering of sustainable development in the world. He has appreciated the Upendra Nath Brahma Trust and All Bodo Students Union (ABSU) for their relentless work towards steps to keep alive ideology and philosophy of Bodofa Upendra Nath Brahma.
CEM of Bodoland Territorial Region, Pramod Boro said that the Bodo community has been conferring the award every year those persons who have been rendering their dedicated services towards uplift and development of the humanity across the country.He said that Bodofa Upendra Nath Brahma was an architecture of the Bodos and other down trodden communities through whom today Bodo community gets today’s juncture.He remembered contribution and dedication of Bodofa Upendra Nath Brahma for the cause of the Bodo and other down trodden communities in the region.
Dr Subung Basumatary, chairman of Upendra Nath Brahma Trust (UNBT) said that the trust and All Bodo Students Union (ABSU) this year 2023 is honoured to conferred the prestigious UNB Soldier of Humanity
Award of 2023 to legendary figure of the world, Sonam Wangchuk, Engineer, Innovator, Education
reformer. Who is well known motivator to the young generations of the entire world for his commendable
contribution in the field of science, technology and education in Ladakh Area in particular and the whole of
India and the world.
His contribution to the society as an engineer, innovator and education reformist is a well-known fact that the
society will always remember. His work among the Ladakhi people has given a new direction for development
and it contributed in a big way to have equal footing with the people of the other parts of the country. India has
got many communities on the margin which have got stuck in backwardness because of the lack of direction by
good and sagacious leaders. Socio-economic and educational Backwardness is like a lame duck in our country where diverse ethnic groups live, each scrambling for their own cause. Being a doyen among the Ladakhi
people, he has given invaluable guidance to his own people, which has set an example to be followed by other
“The UNBT makes an attempt to identify and give honour to the true sons and daughters of the country, who
love their land from the bottom of their hearts and strive for the development of their society, based on the
principle of human dignity and equality. UN Brahma upheld the essence of human dignity and equality as a
core value in his endeavour to uplift the down-trodden people of the country.
The UNBT feels honoured to celebrate the success stories of people like him who have accomplished great
tasks with hard labour, tenacity and moral integrity for the advancement of humanity. Who is truly a brave
soldier fighting battles for the cause of the needy and vulnerable sections of the society. His footprint will
certainly contribute as building blocks of ethos and values in the making of this nation. The UNBT is very
proud of you and feels extremely happy to have selected you as a nominee for this award”, Dr Basumatary added.