KOKRAJHAR, AUG 10: Mahua Mazumder, president of Vasudha Mahila Mandal, ER-II distributed cycles to 13 Asha workers of greater Bashbari village along the Indo-Bhutan border area in Kokrajhar district during her visit to NTPC Bongaigaon Salakati recently.
The distribution was done as a part of corporate outreach efforts of district administration and NTPC Bongaigaon Salakati’s CSR strategic partnership.
Bashbari Bhandranpur is a village in the Indo-Bhutan international border area, where there are poor roads and infrastructure.
The ASHA workers face difficulties in going about performing their tasks and NTPC chose to help these women considering their daily hardships.
These Asha workers are social volunteers who have been trained to provide information and help individuals in obtaining benefits from the government’s different schemes like primary health centers, sub-centers, and district hospitals.
ASHAs operate as community health activists, raising awareness about health strategy and enhanced adoption and accountability of existing healthcare services. Every ASHA is a fountainhead of community involvement in public healthcare programs in her area, armed with information and a drug kit to provide first-contact healthcare.
NTPC Bongaigaon Salakati contributes positively towards the rural healthcare systems and aid in women empowerment through such noble initiatives under the prescribed CSR activities (i), (iii) of Schedule VII of CSR Rules.
Members of Bardwi Shikla Ladies Club, NTPC Bongaigaon Salakati and officials of HR and CSR team were also present in the event.