GBM announced Mothambil as an adopted village in Gossaigaon

DTN Editor


Awareness program on zero waste management held

KOKRAJHAR,DEC 21: The Green Bodoland Mission (GBM), an initiative of government of Bodoland Territorial Region (BTR), has announced it’s decision to adopt the Mothambil village as an adopted village along the Raimona National Park under Gossaigaon subdivision of Kokrajhar district.

On Saturday, Mission Director of Green Bodoland Mission,Manaranjan Das has told that the Mothambil village has been declared as one of adopted village of the ten villages under the Green Bodoland Mission which would be green and beautification in all aspects with planting multiple seedling of the trees along the village.
Notably,the Mothambil village is consisting of over 260 families, comprising of diffrent communities like Bodo,Santhali,Oraon etc.The village is situated north of Soraibil bazar along the Raimona National Park in Gossaigaon subdivision.

Under the Green Bodoland Mission,the village will be witnessed a well planting of saplings of trees in the community land,forest land, village land areas that leading to make healthy natural environment amongst the citizens in days to come ahead.
The GBM has been working dedicatedly towards the building up for bringing sustainable green, smart and peaceful Bodoland under the dynamic leadership of Pramod Boro, the chief executive member of Bodoland Territorial Region across the region since for the past five months.The GBM was launched in July last of this 2024 year itself, and till date planted more than 1.2 lakh saplings at various places in Bodoland Territorial Region districts besides holding awareness program and sharing discussions on the tree plantation programs
On Saturday,the awareness program under the Green Bodoland Mission was carried on the topic of ‘reclaiming the climate for a resilient and sustainable future’ being held at the Raimona Friends Club playground in Gossaigaon subdivision.Hundreds of participants representing village society, SHGs,youth clubs participated which was organised by the Green Bodoland Mission (GBM),an initiative of government of BTR that emphasizing for bringing green, smart and peaceful Bodoland.

The awareness program has highlighted on the initiative of plastic free village, healthy environment and attractive nature building up amongst the communities in the area besides attracting the natural beauty environment.
The awareness program has also been emphasized to make zero waste management environment along the village through the engagement of local peoples to create attraction of tourism aspects along the Raimona National Park in Bodoland Territorial Region.

An interaction session with participants was also carried on the awareness creating on the waste management and cleanliness drive.
A power point presentation representing the GBM mission and Midway Journey was also showcased in the event.
Mission Director of Green Bodoland Mission, Manaranjan Das, UPPL media secretary, Hantigiri Narzary,. Advisor to SEED department, Govt BTR, Ranjan Kumar Baruah,stakeholder members from NGOs like Midway Journey,BTR fellow experts were prominent attendees in the event.

Mission Director, Manaranjan Das told that the GBM has initiated the mission with planting multiple seedling of plants across the Bodoland region.He said that the mission received a good response from the citizens of the region,and accordingly able to plant more than 1.2 lakh seedlings in last four months so far.
He mentioned that the GBM mission has adopted ten villages in the BTR, including Mothambil village along the Raimona National Park in Kokrajhar district where a huge numbers of plants are initiated to plant. He said that villagers from the Mothambil coming forward to extend their full cooperation in this venture to make green Bodoland.
He has opined that the GBM is a flagship programme of BTR government under the leadership of Pramod Boro,the chief executive member of BTR while making a green, smart and peaceful Bodoland.

“Since the launched of GBM,258 youth clubs were engaged in the plantation drive across the region,and ten villages were adopted by the GBM initiative.The GBM has also emphasized to make plastic free village amongst the citizens to attract the tourist in days to come. With holistic mind, love of nature and happiness life leading is emphasized through the Green Bodoland Mission initiative “, Mission Director Das added.

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