KOKRAJHAR ,SEP 10: In a bid to enhance the reading habit amongst students and masses, the department of Library Services, government of Bodoland Territorial Council has launched “Bodoland Reading Week” which has been began September 10th to 17th September.
The Bodoland Reading Week, an initiative of the Department of Library Services, government of BTC, the ceremonial Inauguration programme took place at the District Library Complex,Dimalgaon in Kokrajhar.
Dr Nilut Swargiary,the executive member for Information & Public Relations , PHED, Library Services and Indigenous Faith department,Govt of BTC, inaugurated the Bodoland reading week amidt august presence of huge student and citizens.
Swargiary appealed to the students to take more interest in reading and visit public libraries whenever they get time. He said that the government of BTC is working dedicatedly for ushering of social development and welfare including the uplift of students’ welfare as well inculcating the habit of reading and enhance the holistic learning experience of the citizens.
“A brainchild of HCEM Shri Pramod Boro, the Bodoland Reading Week, which will be held in public libraries and educational institutions across the region from 10-17 September, 2024, aims to inculcate the habit of reading and enhance the holistic learning experience of the citizens, especially the students and youth of Bodoland region”, Swargiary said.
Dr Adaram Basumatary, principal of Girls’ College Kokrajhar has opined that the importance of reading and how it helps a person to become perfect in life. He has appealed to the students to use the library to build their careers while acquiring higher studies.
Among others, Ractim Buragohain , Joint Secretary of Library Services , BTC ; Sansumwi Boro , Council Head of the Department( CHD) of Library Services, Zahid Ahmed Tapadar, CHD of I& PR, Dr Rajib Das, Librarian of Girls’ College , Kokrajhar , Ranjan K Baruah, Advisor of Skill Employment and Entrepreneurship Department, Bichitra Narzary , Reference Librarian of Library Services were prominent attendees in the event.