KOKRAJHAR, FEB 4: The 56th annual convention of the All Bodo Students Union (ABSU) concluded today with three days colourful programme scheduled held at Hirimba Nwgwr, Telishal playground in Golaghat district.
During the delegate session of the convention, the students union resolved various resolutions regarding the uplift and welfare of the students fraternities as Bodo community which was chaired by Abit Narzary, speaker of the ABSU.
More than 4000 delegate and observers from different district committees of the ABSU across the state participated the convention’s delegate session.
The students union has extended it’s sincere gratitude to the Union Government of India, Assam Government and government of Bodoland Territorial Region (BTR) & BKWAC for implementation half a dozen of the memorandum of settlement (MoS) of Bodo Peace Accord.
Further, the students union strongly urge to the Govt. of India and Govt. of Assam for time bound speedy implementation of all the remaining clauses in letter and spirit i.e. implementation of BTR Sixth Schedule amendment, inclusion of village in BTR,
delimitation of 54 Seats, enhancement of power and function, BKWAC village Notification,
delimitation of 36 seats, ST Hill status of Boro-Kachari living in Karbi Anglong, withdrawal of cases of ex-NDFB, Rehabilitation and ex-gratia to martyr families.
The Mission Skill & Quality Education has been renamed as quality education movement (QEM) for massive campaign to safeguard Bodo medium education, to increase enrollment, to
appoint sufficient teacher, to provide quality education, Career counselling and
preparation for competitive exam. ABSU demands bilingual textbook Bodo- English as per NEP 2020 in Bodo medium in 2024, Provincialisation of Bodo medium schools as per the spirit of the BTR accord- 2020, TET appointment in single teacher and zero teacher school of BTR and Assam in LP, UP, HS level, Re-conduct of Gunoutsav in Bodo schools of class VI in math and science in Bodo medium, Creation of new posts in Bodo department of various colleges & Universities, Creation of 2 nos. Of post in 76 nos. Of EGS School of Sonitpur and Biswanath district.
Further, a permanent Orientation Campus will be set up at Bodoland University Bodo
Study Centre for Civil Service UPSC/APSC, Medical & Engineering, Other competitive Exams for Bodo students. The house resolved to increase the amount for top 10 Rank Holders of HSLC from Bodo Medium declared by SEBA from the existing 50, 000/- to 1,00,000/- with
effect from 2024.
ABSU will continue massive campaign through Bodofa Mission for sustainable change on anti-social activities-Zero tolerance against drugs and complete eradication of drugs from the society, to stop gambling, alcohol and anti-social activities, To stop totally about witch hunting, human trafficking and child marriage. Games & Sports-Under 13 football tournament to be continued in Anchalic, district and central level. Culture showcase to be organised in metro cities of India and abroad, Cultural workshop to be organised in various places of Assam and India.
The House demands to resolve on Land related issues- Protection of tribal belts and blocks from illegal encroachers and eviction as per the Direction of Gauhati High Court,
Implementation of Forest Right Act, 2006 and entitlement of land right to the tribal people
living in forest area, Land right to the indigenous tribal people through Basundhara and Bwiswmuthi.
The house resolved to form “ Bodoland martyrs trust a support system for various activities and Bodoland mother’s association (a cell) to work on women related issues.The session resolved to organize a training program targeting 1 lakh Bodo youth on empowering youth entrepreneurs for employment generation.
The students union resolved that the 57th Annual Conference of the All Bodo Students Union will be held at Dotma, Kokrajhar District in 2025.
The delegate session of the students union resolved to write a formal letter to the President of India and Governor of Assam for release of former chairman of NDFB, Ranjan Daimary and seven others and 56 ex- NDFB cadres from jail.
The students union has resolved that for the interest of maintaining harmonious relationship with the Assam and Nagaland bordering area, sustain peace and development of the region is appealed to all concerned.
Dr Samudra Gupta Kashyap, Pro VC of Nagaland University, Dr Surath Narzary, president of Bodo Sahitya Sabha were graced as chief guest, special guest on the open session of the convention which was chaired by ABSU president Dipen Boro.